Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I am officially "ported." The procedure wasn't too bad, but OUCH right now!!! Plus, they gave me xanex and two pain pills, so my world is just now getting stable again almost 12 hours later!

It's pretty crazy to think that there is a device in my arm that is connected to a wire?catheter?tube? that travels through one of my veins and stops at the top of my heart. Oh, and it's entire purpose is to shoot cell-killing poison into my entire body. What in the world is my life right now?!?! The doctors were great, very sweet. In fact, everyone at Schumpert is wonderful. If you've got to go through something like this, I highly recommend them:)

Prayer for the night that has nothing at all do with my current situation: tomorrow is picture day at the Day School!!!! 55 students ages 1 year through pre-k, 10 teachers, one director and an Emma Jewel:) Being the director's daughter has to have some perks:) Last year was semi-organized chaos, but we had picture day on the same day as our Valentine's parties (it was my first year as acting director and I was 8 months pregnant...not a lot of logical thinking going on during that time!!!). Needless to say there were some very red lipped spring pictures because of all the red sweets the kids had consumed throughout the morning!! Pray for minimal tears and smooth sailing!! And for quick and nimble fingers for Ben Daily, the photographer, it's tough catching those kids with just the right expression!!

All is good here, thanks for checking in:) Have a great night!

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